Subject Leader: Ms. J. Heywood


In Years 7, 8 and 9, students spend 6 weeks in each of the practical rotation subject areas.

Subjects taught during this rotation include: Textiles, Food, Resistant materials, Engineering, Computer Science and Graphics.


Our aim is to bring out the best in all of our students, inspiring them and equipping them with the skills to continue the subject with confidence post-16 and beyond.

Over the course of 5 years, students are provided with an opportunity to experience a range of activities including drawing, creating textile artefacts and elements of ICT textile design.

Students are taught to maximise the potential of their established skills as well as learning new techniques and processes through workshop style sessions.

Students will:

  • Learn about artists, designers, crafts-persons, movements, local history and cultural developments.
  • Produce creative work, through exploring ideas and experiences.
  • Learn a variety of creative skills, methods, and techniques and present a personal response to a brief.
  • Use constructive critique to evaluate their own and others work.
  • Apply their knowledge to achieve an appropriate accreditation.



Year 7 Textiles

Year 7 students learn about why textiles are an important and essential part of our lives. 

They follow a brief to design and make a picture frame aimed at the teenage market. They gain knowledge and understanding of experimental and constructed textiles and learn how to use equipment skilfully - working safely and productively to a deadline.

Students discuss the environmental impact of consumerism within the textiles and fashion industry - from the shops to landfills and the ocean, the importance of sustainable textiles and the 'Reduce, Renew, Reuse, Recycle' way of life.

Students are encouraged to become creative, imaginative, independent, ethical designers and makers throughout the project.


Students are assessed on their use and understanding of methods, techniques, tools and materials when making their product.

Year 8 Textiles

Students continue to develop their practical skills during the year 8 Textiles rotation and design and make a ‘Mini monster’ inspired soft toy. 

They design for a ‘client’ and begin the project by researching existing toys sold in stores and on-line. The design task encourages students to be creative and produce original abstract design ideas inspired by the work of John Burgerman. 

Students develop their own personal style when designing and making and continually try to expand their knowledge and skills throughout the project. They discuss issues surrounding mass-manufacturing,  advertising, consumer interest, brand collaboration, product endorsement etc.

Alongside their design work students build on existing skills learnt in year 7 and learn new practical techniques to help design, make and decorate their work; these include embroidery stitches, applique and a range of other embellishments.


Students are assessed on their research, design ideas and making.

Year 9 Textiles

Year 9 students are given the opportunity to prepare for the GCSE course in Textiles.

The focus is a ‘taster’ G.C.S.E project which can be included in their portfolio of coursework should they decide to opt for Art and Design Textiles at the end of Year 9.

This rotation project gives students an idea of what to expect from the G.C.S.E. course and complements the work completed in the Art curriculum.

Students design and make an applique ‘Manchester bee’ cushion and will learn about the historical impact Textiles has had on their community (Manchester/ Stockport) over the years. 

They learn about the rise and fall of textile industry in Manchester, Stockport and the surrounding areas : the cotton and textile mills in the North of England and the impact the industrial revolution had on their local area and world wide. 

They look at the work done by community art groups and make connections between this work and their own. 


Students are assessed on their skill, ability to follow a design brief, development of ideas, creativity and final outcome.


At KS4 students personalise their creative experience with the choice of Art, Textiles, Graphics or Photography. In Textiles lessons, students build upon their enjoyment and passion for creativity gaining access to specialist equipment and facilities.

The KS4 Textiles curriculum aims to inspire our young designers to think outside the box and equip their future selves with imagination and creativity.

  • In Year 10 students take inspiration from and explore Japanese art, craft and design. They look at how our multicultural society can influence their own creativity, culture and lifestyle.
  • In Year 11 students explore the natural and man-made world. Inspiration is taken from both their local environment and further afield during this second coursework project.

Extended projects are inspired by historical artefacts / art-work from different cultures.

Controlled assessment portfolio (coursework)

60% of the total marks. Marked out of 96.
This portfolio must include two projects.

External assessment (Exam)

40% of the total marks. Marked out of 96.

Students have approx. 7 weeks preparation time followed by 10 hours of supervised time to complete a personal response under exam conditions. Students respond to one exam question..
Question papers can be issued to students no earlier than 1st January in the year of the exam.

Work presented is marked by the centre and moderated by AQA.



Throughout the course

  • Students become increasingly independent and resilient in dealing with new creative challenges.
  • They develop the confidence to take on creative risks and form original ideas.
  • They acquire a multitude of textile, craft and art skills and knowledge.
  • Students become confident in researching and gathering information from different sources.
  • They develop patience, determination and resilience. They respect and receive constructive critique through discussions and evaluations.
  • They gain awareness and knowledge of other artists, craft makers and designers and understated the historical and cultural developments of their art forms.
  • Students will attain a recognised Textiles/Art qualification at the end of Year 11.
  • They end the course in a position to access further education and / or employment and realise a sense of personal achievement.


MONDAY BLUE WEEK: 3:00-3:45pm - GCSE Textiles Catch Up - M4  - Ms Heywood

MONDAY BLUE WEEK: 1.20-2.00pm - Y9 Art Catch Up - M4 - Ms Heywood


Our Year 10 Compulsory Homework Timetable:


TEXTILES (60 minutes)

Practical subjects (including Textiles) will set homework depending upon practical and theory content requirements.

Our KS3 Compulsory Homework Timetable:

Technology Rotation subjects (Computer Science, Design Technology, Engineering, Food & Nutrition, Graphics, Textiles) and  Art set compulsory homework when it is appropriate.