Teacher: Mrs D Gardler
Food Technician: Mrs L Johnson
Key Stage 3
Food and Nutrition is all about learning how to select and use food to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This subject also aims to instil a love of cooking in pupils to encourage them to continue cooking healthy and nutritious meals long after they have left school. Learning to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves. Cookery lessons are delivered by theory and practical lessons. Skills covered are:- health and safety, hygiene, adapting a recipe, basic nutrition, meal planning and food preparation techniques.
KS3 includes topics such as nutrients, nutritional needs, eating habits, food safety and hygiene. Food education can make a real difference to the quality of people's lives. It empowers them to make choices and provides them with a greater range of options.
Key Stage 4
This is a GCSE course which aims to address the growing issues surrounding the need for good food and food preparation
All students will learn skills that benefit them throughout their lives. They will begin to develop a deep understanding of the impact of diet on health.
The course has a very practical base with its main aims being:-
- To increase the knowledge and understanding of human needs and the influence of society and culture on the individual.
- To develop decision-making skills, teamwork and self esteem.
- To develop an awareness of food and traditions from other cultures in society.
The main areas covered during this 2 year course are:-
- Basic cooking skills through dedicated lessons in food preparation
- The link between good food and healthy lifestyles
- Look, taste, smell and the scientific aspects of food
- The journey from field to plate
- Food, technology and the consumer
- Understanding the range of equipment used in food preparation
In order to be successful in this subject, it is imperative that students understand the importance of good organization, hygeine, hard work and the bringing of ingredients on a weekly basis. |